lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010


Hi everybody, hi Cyntia.
In this part of the blog you can write to your classmates to greet them or to tell us some interesting things you want to share with us, and in this part of the blog you are going to find our commentaries.
Bye, we miss you too, and try to be better day after day.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

Oral expresions

In the last 4 weeks we have listened your classmates talk about themselves, their falilies, favorite sports and favorite cartoons. I need you write about this things your classmates have told us, in 200 words, but if you dont want, like JISSEL, that she thinks the activity is SO BORING, you have the Jissel's option, you are going to create a docuement in WORD, in Arial fountain, size 14, interlines justified exact in 14 points, and you are going to send it to my e-mail that is on March 14, 2010, if you don`t sent this activity, I won't consider it as a received homework.

If you don' t prefer to do the homwork as Jissel, only write your commentary in this boring blog, the day you want and try to do it the next week, then I check your job.

Bye and try to learn every day, and improve your English language, because you don't know if someday you will need it.

miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010

The web

Hi students.
I invite you to visit the next pages in the web:,,,
And write a commentary about them, maybe they are useful for you in a future homework, or to do an activity at school. in at least 70 words.