lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011

Your comments about health plan and funniest moments at school.

Hi everybody, in this occasion you are going to write 200 words about the things your classmates told us in the class.

You can write your opinion about they said, or only write a sythesis of the things they told us.

Write in a correct form and try tu use your dictionary if you don't remember how to write a word.

Bye and enjoy your days off.

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

My funniest moments at school.

Hi everybody,

tell us about your funniest moments at school, maybe at kindergarden, elementary school or middle school and high school.

You have studied a lot of years since you were 3 years old, so you must remember a lot of situations a little funny, remember them and tell us.

bye,and don't forget to write at least 150 words.

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

My opinion

Write at least 120 words about the things your classmates said about other persons.

Try to be clear and take care of the stucture of the sentences, don't forget to write full sentences,

subject+ verb+complement.

Only write the things you think about the oral exposition of your classmates.

You need to do this work til Sunday at midnight.
