lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011

Your comments about health plan and funniest moments at school.

Hi everybody, in this occasion you are going to write 200 words about the things your classmates told us in the class.

You can write your opinion about they said, or only write a sythesis of the things they told us.

Write in a correct form and try tu use your dictionary if you don't remember how to write a word.

Bye and enjoy your days off.

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

My funniest moments at school.

Hi everybody,

tell us about your funniest moments at school, maybe at kindergarden, elementary school or middle school and high school.

You have studied a lot of years since you were 3 years old, so you must remember a lot of situations a little funny, remember them and tell us.

bye,and don't forget to write at least 150 words.

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

My opinion

Write at least 120 words about the things your classmates said about other persons.

Try to be clear and take care of the stucture of the sentences, don't forget to write full sentences,

subject+ verb+complement.

Only write the things you think about the oral exposition of your classmates.

You need to do this work til Sunday at midnight.


lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Do you have a healh plan for your life?

Everybody knows that nowadays, almost all the people have healh problems, sometimes serious sometimes not serious.

Do you have a health plan for your life?

Write 150 words about your health plan to be a healthy people, a healthy parent for your sons, and a healthy person in the society.

Try to be clear, and be healty and happy.

martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

Hi I welcome you.

Hi boys, I'm sure you are excelent students and I'm sure I'm not going to have any problem with you, specially with Edgar, becaus he was one of my best students last semester, if you have problems, he can help you very well.

O.K. You are going to write 150 words about your partner.

You are going to add a commentary of the things your classmates say about his/her life with 50 words at least.

See you at the end of the week, bye and good look in your new adventure.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Your favorite movie

Hi Students, now you investigated about some movies you like, try to be careful in your orthography, because the last time you did a lot of mistakes, and if you aren't care, maybe you'll have problems with that.

In this part you are going to tell us about the director, and the main actor and actress.


martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

My interview

My interview about some interests for me.

You are going to write the questions and your answers, but try to correct your orthography because in your writings you have a lot of mistakes, and you need to take care of your writings, don't forget to do your best job, here in the blog and in front of your group.

Have a happy studentst day.


martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Ring, ring

Hi, somebody is calling you by your cell phone. Don't answer in the classromm becaus you don't have to, but when you are in your house, you can do everything you can't do in this school. Write about your classmates telephone conversation and try to be very clear, and don't forget to write at least 80 words. Bye and have a nice day.


Did you know that "pozole" is the favorite food of a "torero". I like and love mexican food, chinesse food, and italian food, What about you? Now write the information you have about your classmates favorite food, you have listened in the English class and you have taken notes about it. Don't forget, you need to write about 80 words.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

My favorite sport.

Hi everybody, this season America is winning most of the games, but they can't fly.

Now you are going to write about your classmates favorite sports.

Don`t forget to be the most clear possible

greet you and have a nice weekend.


miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

My favorite TV show.

Hi Students, I know you are very thrown, because this week you got the discipline flag, but I think you really worked in the English classes, but this was counterproductive because you are very involved with your achievement, and in this classes you maybe feel like the golden egg hen, but I hope you think about your behaviour and try to relax, and try to be better.

In this part you are going tell us about your favorite TV show, maybe a cartoon, a movie, a serie, or I don't know, only tell us about your favorite TV program.

By, and don't forget, you need to pay attention in your classes.

lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

My Kindergarden and my primary school.

hi everybody, now you are gong to tell us your years in the primary school and in the kindergarden, .

Have a nice day.

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

your introduction

Hi students.
Maybe this is going to be a boried class for you, but try to do your best , so, that way you are going to enjoy this class and be happy this fourth semester.

O.K. Now I ask to you, introduce you to your classmates ant tell us your name, where are you from, likes and dislikes, I don`t know, tell what you want, or something we need to know about you.

welcome to our class and my best wishes for you.

The text about you must have at least 150 words.